Together, our members contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to the state’s economy through taxes, fees, construction and purchases from advertising to utilities.
Our association supports the Kansas and Missouri Fair Housing Law, the Kansas and Missouri Landlord Tenant Act and the Multi Housing Crime Prevention Programs; this is a cooperative effort by local police departments and a growing number of apartment communities who are making rental housing safer for residents.
Richard C. Wiles is our state lobbyist in Missouri. Mr. Wiles keeps members in the state informed of issues brought before the legislature, which will affect property owners throughout the state. In Kansas, we watch out through our NAA affiliates and our NAA Legislative Committee keeping owners up to date on any legislative issues.
By joining the AAKC, you help to keep the industry vital. Your dues ensure a strong voice in local and state government and help provide educational programs, which serve to keep high levels of professionalism within the rental housing industry. By joining AAKC, you become a positive force in the growth and prosperity of multi-housing in Missouri and Kansas.
AAKC Mission Statement
The Mission of The Apartment Association of Kansas City is to protect owners of multifamily housing from harmful legislation through effective political representation; to offer educational opportunities for professional leadership in the industry; to communicate with our members regarding local, state and national issues; and prudent administration of our resources.