AAKC has such an amazing educational calendar lined up for 2011. With all of these great opportunities for our members, I took a little time and had a chat with the Education Committee Chair, Robynn Haydock, with @Home Apartments. Here is our conversation;
Jeremy-First of all, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us. Do you mind telling us a little about yourself?
Robynn-I actually started as a leasing consultant in 1990 after graduating high school. I learned so much in my first year about the many facets of property management, maintenance and leasing - and fell in love with it! Since then, I have enjoyed providing homes for people and seeing others grow personally and professionally in this industry. No 2 days are ever the same and I learn something new every day - even after 20 years! My involvement with the AAKC enables me to keep learning (and teaching), which is why I focus on education for members.
So you started in the business when you were five years old? Each year AAKC offers many designate courses options to its members.
What would you say to someone that is thinking about signing up to take one of theses designation courses in 2011?
I would say that the courses for designations give everyone a better picture of why we do what we do - and how to do it better. If you want to sell more product, make more sound judgement calls, control your budget better, and do your job with less stress in less time, then the designate program is for sure the way to go. I've never talked to anyone who didn't say they were glad they went through the program - and learned a lot! The relationships you make with classmates can last a lifetime. Besides, who doesn't like to have a few initials after their name as a sign of professionalism and hard work!
We also reintroduced the Education Scholarship Fund this year, which allows industry professionals who don't have funding for the courses the opportunity to earn a designation. I look forward to seeing the applications for the scholarships. I think it will be another way to really see the passion people have for their careers in property management.
That is funny. A few years ago when I got my NALP designation I came out thinking the same thing. I learned so much more than I ever thought I would. And, I am so excited to hear more about the Education Scholarship Fund. Does AAKC offer any designate courses for its vendors?
Absolutely! CAS stands for Certified Apartment Supplier and is a designation just for suppliers and vendors to the apartment industry. Vendors get to sit side-by-side with managers and hear about what on-site people need and want. They can take this back to their job and provide better products and services to maintenance and management personnel. Suppliers take financial management and risk management classes with managers, so if a vendor comes to me with a CAS designation, I know they understand my concerns before we ever start working together. One of the first questions I ask vendors is if they are an AAKC member. The next question is if they have their CAS. If so, I know I have a true professional ready to partner with us!
Wow, that sounds like a great opportunity for our vendors for many reasons. That would really make a vendor stand out in our industry.
So, what course or seminar do you think will be your most favorite next year?
Oh, there are so many for 2011! We have 3 National Speakers coming in, and I definitely hope to make all of those. I can never get enough out of seminars like Team Building, Life Management and Leadership, which are all coming to KC! People I talk to outside of our industry are always impressed with the caliber of seminars and speakers we offer, especially for the low cost to our members. I'm excited for the Brainstorming Sessions coming up too since that's a great time to hear how other companies handle pressing issues (like collections, bed bugs, cap ex projects and HR).
I agree it sounds like AAKC has a great year for education coming. If you had to pick one class not to miss, what would it be?
In addition to the 3 big ones I just mentioned? Well, anyone who knows me, knows I'm always pushing Fair Housing. To me, it's not an option to miss this one no matter what role you play in the apartment industry!
How did I know you were going to say that? But, I would say that is a very important seminar to attended as well. Well thanks again for taking the time to chat with me.
December 21, 2010-
Jeremy Lawson, NALP
AAKC Social Media Co-Chair
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